The Map Window provides several tools you can use to work with the map and current layers.

  • Default: The Default tool lets you click on intractable elements on the map.
  • Pan: The Pan tool allows you to drag the map around by holding down the left mouse button.
  • Zoom in: The Zoom In button will zoom the map in one level. 
  • Zoom out: The Zoom Out button will zoom the map out one level.
  • Identify: The Identify button will display a utility window that contains information about the clicked point. For example, if there are multiple overlapping raster layers, the window will display the value for each of the layers at that point.
  • Ruler (lat, lng): The Ruler button lets you place a line on the map. 
  • Selection: Draw a selection on the map. Selections can be used with the Copy command, to copy an image of map to the clipboard, and with the Statistics function.
  • Statistics: Displays a popup showing statistics for the selected layer. If a selection is present, on cells contained within the selection are included.
  • Reclass: Displays the Reclass tool for the selected layer.

  • Selection: The Selection tool allows you to drag a selection on an area of the map. This can be used to:
    • Copy an area of the map
    • Get Statistics for an area of the map

  • Statistics: The Statistics button displays some statistical values for each raster layer on the map. If there is no active selection, it will display information for the entire layer.